RevOps Platform Pricing
Join our beta program to be on the early wave of RevOps automations.
RevTech Beta
Automated Revops
Join the early adopters to automate your revenue operations on hubspot.
Frequently Asked Questions
It’s always hard to choose new company tools. We’re here to help you make the right decision.
How long is your beta?
You should expect to participate in the beta for 60 days.
What tools do you work with?
We have a naive integration with Hubspot and by extension the entire hubspot ecosystem.
Who qualifies for the beta?
B2B companies who use Hubspot CRM ideally selling subscription services.
What are the benefits of being part of the beta?
Beta customers will receive free RevOps services during the period to ensure successful deployment and adoption of RevTech.
Do you make change in our CRM?
We will add new properties and concepts into Hubspot but not override existing information.
What does it cost to be part of the beta?
There is no charge if selected to the beta program.